About the Test
Nova's Cultural Diversity test was designed for use in a workplace or school setting to help understand employees' and/or students' attitudes toward cultural diversity. This latest version is being re-released as an online test that anyone can take.
In a time when discrimination law suits are a common occurance, the Cultural Diversity Test allows companies to take a proactive approach by testing their employees before problems arise. If necessary, they can then implement diversity training for their employees and hopefully avoid discrimination law suits. This article highlights some of the astronomical costs companies can occur over the course of a law suit. Mr. Rundquist's Cultural Diversity Test was the topic of this article in an issue of Entrepeneur magazine which talked about the benefits of diversity testing in a business setting.
The Cultural Diversity Test is divided into several different types of questions:
Section 1: BACKGROUND QUESTIONSThese are just a few simple questions about your background. Choose the most appropriate answer.
Section 2: ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLE QUESTIONNAIRERead the description of each situation and imagine it happening to you. Do not choose what you think you should say or what you think other people would deem as the right answer. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Just choose the response that most closely matches the way that you would respond to the given situation.
Section 3: ATTITUDES TOWARDS DIVERSITY SCALEThis section tests how strongly you agree or disagree with a given situation. You can choose: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree or Strongly Agree.
Section 4: DISCRIMINATORY RESPONSE QUESTIONNAIREHow would you most likely react to these situations with fellow co-workers? Would you: Ignore the comments, Respond with the same behavior, Confront the employee, Tell Manager/Supervisor, File a grievance or File a lawsuit.
Section 5: RACIAL ATTITUDES SURVEYBegin by selecting a race - it should be one other than your own. The questions that follow are once again scaling how much you agree or disagree with given comments or how much you would object or not object to certain situations. Once again, please answer truthfully, not how you think you should answer.
About Tom